Wax Hair removal in Ballerup near skovlunde - for women and men​

When you shave, even when shaving very closely, the hais are cut off close to the skin. A considerable amount of hair is still left just below the surface and is ready to appear in a day or two. It also feels "Stubby" as the cut is blunt. Waxing is way more effecient as it removes the hairs from the root ​and will leave you skin smooth for many days. The regrowth after waxing is much finer than with shaving as the har regrows with a tapered end which is much finer and not stubby.

We perfom all kinds of wax hair removal for both men and women, including initmate waxing using Lycon hotwax products

Face Hair removal 

Eyebrows. 15 min.

​125 kr

Upper lip. 15 min.

​125 kr

Chin and cheeks. 15 min.

​125 kr

Full Face (Eyebrows, upper lip og chin and cheeks). 30 min.

​300 kr

Nose hair. 15 min.

​150 kr

Hair removal body

Chest /stomach. 45 min.

​400 kr

Back. 30 min.

​300 kr

Back/ Bottom 45 min.

​500 kr

Half arm. 20 min.

​200 kr

Fulll arms. 45 min.

​350 kr

Half legs 30 min.

​300 kr

Full legs. 45 min.

​500 kr

Armpits. 15 min.

​250 kr

Intimate hair removal

Bikini line. 20 min.

​300 kr

Brazilian .
​45 min.

​450 kr

​50 min.

​600 kr

Between buttocks 20 min.

​200 kr

We provide wax har remobal in Ballerup using LYCON wax. LYCON is the leading product supplier on the market and was founded in 1978 by Lydia Jordane in Australia- Lycons hotwax is very gentle to Your skin as it works at a lower temperature and does not pull then skin away. This reduces the pain as compared to strip waxing.



Good advice before waxing

Before waxing, ensure that the hair is minimum 2-3 mm longs.  It is a good idea to use bodyscrub/peeling in the area the same day or a day before. This gives you the best result. Also, Stay out of sunlight the day before and 24 hours after waxing to avoid sunburn on your skin

The hairs are removed by the roots and usually it takes 3-6 weeks before ​full regrowth (this varies greatly from person to person)

Rungarun is trained professional in use of Lcon products for painless wax hair removal.

She can help you get rid of unwatnted hair growth, anywhere on your body

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Authentic Thai Massage

Many years of experience

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Do you have questions or
​want to make appointment?

You can see our contact information below

Yen Wellness Thai Massage

Brydehusvej 20, 2750 Ballerup

CVR: 37763101


Phone: 50 31 35 73

E-mail: mail@yenwellness.dk

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 09.00 - 22.00

Saturday and Sunday: 09.00 - 22.00